The Style Loft – Clothing Range Updates

East Photography East Photography East Photography East Photography East Photography East Photography

Boho and Sixties baby!

Boutique clothing line company, ‘The Style Loft’, asked East Photography and ‘The Dream’ to shoot their new range of styles and clothes.

The shoot was a great success! We produced some amazing images ranging from the quirky Twiggy look with a sixties edge and a strong Boho style and feel. Each model was designed to look different yet compliment each other. Lucy and Megan did brilliant, they always strike the perfect pose!

On this occasion I am going to keep my writing to a minimum and instead bombard you with some of these images that I am extremely proud of.

East Photography  East Photography

East Photography


 East PhotographyEast Photography

I’ll keep it short, keep it sweet, keep you posted!

Soft Grunge!

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East Photography decided that it was time to take a bigger step into the Fashion world. The idea was to produce a ‘Soft Grungey’ shoot and we definitely created just that. Myself and the team needed an ideal location to create the perfect setting and therefore achieve the ideal _DSC2445-CRimages. ‘The Pit & Pendulum’ in Nottingham became our shooting ground and our subject, the beautiful model Megan Hudson.

Using the natural light and a hand held bulb box, we started to create a different look! Sometimes a strong white balance was captured and sometimes with, instead, a warmer finish. As you can see from the image to the left, the warmer light helped to bring out the simply beautiful make-up by MUA, Carrie Churches.

The strong light and dark backgrounds helped to bring out the colours of Megan’s hair and the amazing stylist Alex Davis‘ updo. When Alex and I discussed styles and looks, shoots from ‘Elle UK’ and ‘Vogue’ were perfect examples of the classic, timeless beauty, we were after. We definitely achieved that look and yes, I am allowed to be bias.

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In terms of clothes we wanted an edgy style, grungey, yet feminine. The elegant, green, chiffon dress played a vital part to this shoot. The colour bounced the light wonderfully and the material was great! It fell softly over Megan’s slender frame and added more angles to her shoulders and the hair style.

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The ‘Dream Team’ and I thoroughly enjoyed this shoot! I am so pleased with the images and look that we produced. Edgy, strong and quirky. What a great way to start the year!

I’ll keep it short, keep it sweet, keep you posted!

A wedding in the West with a ‘down under’ twist…

‘Tis the season to be Jolly’


East PhotographyEast Photography

‘Hotel Casa’ was the venue, the bride and groom, young and flamboyant. It was a small but charming wedding filled with fun, laughter and of course love. As the Casa is quite dark, my flash gun was needed. However, the images turned out wonderfully warm and christmasy as planned. Ohhh and if you’re wondering about the ‘down under twist’ let me explain my slightly wacky title. Well it’s not really that wacky, it’s simply because our newly weds are now living in Adelaide, Australia. Have ‘a gud day mate!’.

East PhotographyEast Photography

East Photography were invited to the evening do of Andy and Nat’s wedding day and were very happy to be involved in this wonderful day. The decoration, theme and people were marvellous and a pleasure to shoot.

East PhotographyEast PhotographyEast PhotographyEast Photography

Are you looking for a wedding photographer? Someone who is bubbly, artistic and friendly, then please get in touch via the contact section of

East Photography  East Photography   East PhotographyEast Photography

Check out more of East Photography’s work at…

Instagram: eastphotographypage

Facebook: EastPhotography1

I’ll keep it short, keep it sweet, keep you posted!

A sense of character!

Derbyshire Female Photographer  Derbyshire Female PhotographerDerbyshire Female PhotographerDerbyshire Female Photographer

East Photography always tries to capture a character. A story behind the eyes of our models. Although you are only photographing one person it doesn’t mean you are only photographing one look. A good model will provide you with at least 3/4 different characters on the day of their shoot.

East Photography likes to use natural lighting as it is, in our opinion, the most flattering. These images were snapped in the middle of the day to allow enough time to capture those complimentary shadows and highlights. Today’s model is actress Charlotte Louisa.

I’ll keep it short, keep it sweet, keep you posted.



Artist Emma Aspinall

East Photography UK

Firstly let me apologise for the late post! When you become busy the world slows down, all that surrounds you is your computer screen and the once hot coffee sitting idly next to you.

East Photography

So East Photography’s recent project was all about the amazingly talented Emma Aspinall! Local artist and freelance wedding singer Emma, came to East Photography with some ideas for her upcoming album cover. She was seeking some striking yet soft photographs to compliment her angelic vocals and I think we successfully caught that look.

This was Emma’s final choice of image and was used as her album cover. I agree that this was the best image to use. It is edgy yet has a back story. I am very happy with the final images, as is Emma.East Photography UK

East Photography UKPlease have a look at her work, I particularly like her cover of ‘Heaven’ so go and check it out.

I’ll keep it short, keep it sweet, keep you posted!

Stokes is the four F’s!

Let me hear you say – Fierce Fashion & Flawless Fitness! East Photography is proud to be the personal photographer of fitness and swimwear model, Rebecca Harrison-Stokes.Derbyshire Female Photographer Rebecca has recently been featured in the upcoming Nike commercial, so be sure to look out for her in cinemas, on adverts or at your local JD sport store. For today’s commercial shoot, I was personally asked to photograph Rebecca for her agency’s profile update and the results turned out fantabulously!

Here’s a tip to all photographers who, like me, don’t have a studio (because it is ridiculously expensive to buy, run and use). Find a white/cream or in our case lavender wall that has a natural light source. Derbyshire Female PhotographerIf you need more exposure bunk up the settings to +0.7 or +1.00. Open your f/. to the brightest it will go, in my case f/2.8 and have a tamper with the shutter speed. I would always say use ‘Manual’ but if you are new to this arty industry, then use the ‘Program’ setting. This will insure that every shot you take tursn out as you want it. Don’t be scared to play with levels, especially if you have a shorter model, and always think about elongating the image… whether this is through their arms, legs or even the way their hair falls.

One of my old and most annoying habits was not checking my shot after I had snapped! Trust me, big mistake! Derbyshire Female PhotographerSo another tip would be to always keep an eye on the images you are producing. Over the years of shooting people (this phrase always makes me chuckle), I have pushed myself out of bad habits, researched A LOT and slowly developed my own style. Don’t follow the crowd! By all means use other artist’s material as influential landmarks, but like any creative industry you need to develop your own twist! Just a few little hints from me to you, I’m sure there will be plenty more to come.

Derbyshire Female Photographer

If you’re in the area, then come and visit us at The Edward Lewis Wedding Fair at The Derbyshire Hotel this Sunday 12th October, 2014. I’ll be the women chatting and smiling a lot, alternatively check out the About Me part of our website. I’m looking forward to discussing the services we provide and OF COURSE your special day.

I’ll keep it short, keep it sweet, keep you posted!

Please DO NOT feed the animals!

DSC_0187You may say I’m going bananas but my initial thought on a wedding at the zoo was… ‘Really? But the focus will be on the fury mammals behind!’. But I must declare that I was very, very wrong! The day started badly. The weather was atrocious, the animals… unhappy and everything seemed just a little bit dull! However once we had met the bride and seen the array of animal print onesies, dresses, even bow ties, the day started to take form. From animal shaped necklaces and handcuffs, to leopard, lion and lima pjs, the wedding’s theme really lifted the day. The clouds had disappeared and the warm sun rays shone down to welcome our newly weds into the world united.



My co-workers and I, had a field day! 3700 images were taken in total, baring in mind our usual is around 1200. Animals were squawking, or was that Aunt Betty? Children were swooshing and buckling, or was that the chimps? Safe to say there was A LOT to photograph, perfect!



Here are some examples. The images have been assembled in our collage style to showcase how East Photography would provide some of the couples images, as part of our packages.

I’ll keep it short, keep it sweet, keep you posted!

Beauty by Grace and East Photography teamed up.

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Derbyshire, female photographer – East Photography

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Derbyshire, female photographer – East Photography

Today was all about work, work, work, which I believe is the best kind of day! Always getting things done and moving on to the next obstacle!

I had a meeting with a possible client in Beeley, Derbyshire, we discussed their wedding options and the prices we offer. As East Photography specialises in both formal and natural shots, the happy couple were interested in the idea of a relaxed and always non intrusive service. Perfect really, as that’s how I like to work!
After hitting the ‘Simply Gym’ body pump class with the boyfriend (trust me, jelly legs were definitely present) it was a day of ‘Friends’, Pizza, Editing and well more ‘Friends’!

The MUA company ‘Beauty by Grace’ teamed up with East Photography and created a dazzling, Bollywood themed shoot. Thank you to Shakira for letting us display her beautiful features! The shoot, shot for BbG’s upcoming website and blog, was so different to any of my other projects. A real eye opener!
If you are looking for a Make-Up Artist for your wedding or photoshoot, please feel free to send me an email and I will forward you their details.

Keep it short, keep it sweet, keep you posted!


Welcome! I am the leading photographer for the company ‘East Photography’! I specialise in Weddings, Portraiture, Fashion and Events.
So why, I here you ask, is a photographer creating a blog for the publics viewing pleasure? Well, my plan is to document my news and display it. I want you to feel comfortable and trust that I am the ideal photographer for you. So the more images the better!

Did I see you at the Glam Girls Wedding Fayre last week in Derby? Here is a picture of East Photography’s set up and stall.

We were praised on_DSC0443 our feminine approach and great prices. It was a productive day with a lot of Q&A’s… exactly how we like to do business, here at East Photography. The more questions, the better the chance of insuring your day is exactly how you want it!

I’ll keep it short, keep it sweet, keep you posted!